Contact us

General Inquiries

If you have any comments or comments regarding Okinawa Traveler, please contact us here if you have any comments or comments.
We will send you an automatic reply confirmation email to the email address you entered.
If you do not receive the email after a while, there is a possibility that the email address you entered is incorrect or may have been sorted into the spam folder.
If you have specified a domain, please make settings in advance so that you can receive mail from "@".

Inquiries regarding advertisement placement

Please contact us here for advertising requests and business alliances.
We will send you an automatic reply confirmation email to the email address you entered.
If you do not receive the email after a while, there is a possibility that the email address you entered is incorrect or may have been sorted into the spam folder.
If you have specified a domain, please make settings in advance so that you can receive mail from "@".