The average temperature in Okinawa in January is about 17°C. The average temperature in Tokyo in January is about 6 ° C, so it can be said that the temperature alone is warm. However, there are few people who enter the sea at this time. So how do you enjoy Okinawa in January? In Okinawa in January, there are frequent events that can only be enjoyed during this period, such as feeling the atmosphere of the Kingdom of ryukyu era and viewing cherry blossoms up close. Here are some of the attractions and recommended points of the four events carefully selected from among the many events.
date: 2024.12.01 (last update date: 2024.12.13)
Here are four events that will be held during this period so that you can enjoy sightseeing in Okinawa in February more. There are a wide variety of events, such as being healed naturally and enjoying sports and culture! All of them are events where you can fully feel the charm of Okinawa, so please refer to them.
date: 2024.01.09 (last update date: 2024.02.06)