A townside hotel convenient for business and comfortable for sightseeing. Free parking is available. All Wi-Fi is available.

Miyako Dai-ichi Hotel

Miyako Dai-ichi Hotel

City Hotel

Miyako Island, Ikemajima and Kurimajima

Twin Room In addition to the single room convenient for business use, there is a Japanese-style room in the twin room. Conveniently located 15 minutes by car from the airport and a 2-minute walk from Miyako City Hall.

Store details

Store nameMiyako Dai-ichi Hotel
191, Hiraranishizato, Miyakojima-shi


15 minutes by car from the airport
2-minute walk from the city hall
TEL 0980-73-5522
Business hours24 hours
Parking lot Yes, 30 units
Payment method

Credit card

UC, DC, UFJ, Saison

Okinawa Likes official account