Resort golf debut in Okinawa!

Resort golf debut in Okinawa!
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OkinawaTraveler editorial department

Why don't you enjoy golf as one of your plans for your trip to Okinawa?
Because Okinawa is said to be a very good environment to enjoy golf. Generally, winter is considered a season when it is not suitable for golf, but it is only Okinawa that there is no worry that the golf course will be closed or the turf will die and you will not be able to play as you think! Some people travel to Okinawa to enjoy golf.

Photographs provided: The Southern Links Golf Club

In addition, you can enjoy beautiful scenery all year round, which is unique to Okinawa Golf. The ocean view seen in the back of the beautiful turf is a must-see, and the contrast between green and blue will surely make you feel excited.
Of course, that's not the only one. The lovely red and pink hibiscus blooms in the green is a must-see sight. In addition, colorful tropical flowers color the golf course.

Here, we will introduce the charms of golf that you should know, the points for enjoying Okinawa golf to the fullest, and recommended golf courses.

Now it's an era where women can enjoy golf!

Over the past few years, women have become more popular in golf, and gender is no longer relevant to playing golf. Cute golf wear and clubs for women are lined up in shops as usual, and even if you look at golf courses, it is not uncommon for women to go around the course alone.

One of the reasons why women's popularity is increasing is that the image of a sport that can be enjoyed in fashion has become widespread. Golf, once called "men's sports," is now popular as a casual sport, and the dress code has been considerably relaxed. A high-class resort golf course requires a solid look, but if it is a golf course that is not, cute styles such as miniskirts and shorts are OK! The colorful colors that usually require courage, but it should be easy to challenge with golf wear.
Other reasons may include "enhance leisure time" and "more friends."

Many people may think that golf is a "somewhat sport", but many women say that they are surprisingly interesting and continue to play. What makes golf different from other sports is that you can move freely in the spacious and beautiful nature. You can enjoy playing in a refreshing mood while being healed by the greenery of the turf and trees, and if the ball flies beautifully, you can feel comfortable.
There are also fun unique to women, such as being able to talk with men and increasing exchanges with people of different ages who have never been in contact with each other. It would be nice to say a golf trip with a friend of mine.

Have a fulfilling day at Okinawa Golf!

From here, I would like to introduce the unique ways to enjoy Okinawa Golf. If you are planning a trip to Okinawa, please take a look at it.

When enjoying golf in Okinawa, it is recommended to enter the round early in the morning. This is because Okinawa has about twice as much ultraviolet rays than the mainland! Ultraviolet rays are falling unexpectedly, not only in summer but also in winter, and women who never want to burn their skin should be careful. In the morning, ultraviolet rays are not so strong, suitable to sweat comfortably in the refreshing air.

One of the characteristics of rounding in Okinawa is that most of them are "through-play" method. The through-play method is a method in which all 18 holes are performed at once without having lunch in the middle of the round. If you enter the round from the morning, it will end at noon, so you can go to another tourist destination after play!
Before you go to your next destination, wash your sweat in large public bath in the clubhouse. Bathing while looking at the ocean view is a unique charm of Okinawa. As well as shampoos and conditioner, there are plenty of amenities such as skin toners and hair styling agents, so you can make sure to fashionable before you go to sightseeing spots.

It is also an attractive point for golf courses in Okinawa to go directly to famous tourist destinations. The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, the sea cafe in the southern part of Motojima, and the beaches and capes overlooking the beautiful sea of Okinawa are often close, so you should be able to save your time and make your trip a fulfilling trip.

Good golf course for a trip to Okinawa

"I'm interested!" For those who say, "Where is the best golf course while sightseeing?" I picked up recommended golf courses for each area.

Northern Okinawa Island>Motobu-cho | Bell beach golf club

Bell Beach Golf Club, located near the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, is the only golf courses on Okinawa Island with a perfect location with ocean views on all courses! There are many lower holes, so you can enjoy a refreshing shot.

Photographs provided: Bell beach golf club

Central Okinawa Island>Kitanakagusuku-son | Ocean castle country club

The Ocean Castle Country Club is located on a hill, and has a large panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean! It is close to the Kitanaka Castle Interchange on the highway and has good access.

Photographs provided: Ocean castle country club

Southern Okinawa Island>Yaese-cho | The Southern Links Golf Club

The Southern Links Golf Club, which faces the southern sea, is characterized by a tee shot across the sea. You can enjoy stimulating shots aiming at the green beyond the cliff, which you can't taste anywhere else. One of the attractions is that it is close to major tourist destinations in the south, such as Nirai Bridge Kanai Bridge, Ou Island, and the Sea & Mountain Café.

Photographs provided: The Southern Links Golf Club

Okinawa Island remote island>Miyako Island | Ocean Links Miyako Island

Ocean Links Miyako Island is a seaside field where you can enjoy the nature of the tropical country. Coral reefs, sea, and subtropical flowers seen at the end of the cliff will welcome you. Because of the low altitude, you can not only enjoy the ocean view, but also round while surrounded by the sound of waves and tides.

Photographs provided: Ocean Links Miyako Island

An experience that can only be found on the southern island.
In this way, if you enjoy golf, Okinawa is a point that you cannot miss. If you are planning a trip to Okinawa, please refer to this article and enjoy a tropical golf course!

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