Do you know? Knowledge of Okinawa [Zenzai]

Do you know? Knowledge of Okinawa [Zenzai]
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OkinawaTraveler editorial department

In Okinawa, "Zenzai" refers to cold shaved ice. Please enjoy Uchinanchu's classic snacks that are completely different from ordinary shaved ice! Please try it.

Okinawa has the lowest ice cream consumption in the whole country!

After being exposed to Okinawa's intense direct sunlight or swimming in the sea, you'll want sweet and cold food. If you think about what kind of food is like…The first thing that comes to mind is ice cream. 
Moreover, in Okinawa, the Blue Seal, a brand that can be said to be one ice cream culture, has a strong presence. If you are outside Okinawa, you may think that people from southern Okinawa will eat a lot of zozo and ice cream, but that's not the case. 
According to surveys by manufacturers and industry groups, ice cream consumption per Okinawan citizen is the lowest among 47 prefectures in Japan. By the way, the first place is Ishikawa Prefecture in Hokuriku. This is because there is a habit of eating ice cream even in winter. 

So why don't Okinawan people eat too much ice cream? It is said that one of the major reasons for this is because it eats "zenzai". 

The sweetness and coldness brought about by its sweetness and coldness

There is plenty of ice like a tongue cap, and it is eaten while breaking it little by little. 

Zenzai is a hot food that is commonly boiled beans such as red beans, and often eaten with rice cakes and shiratama dumplings. 

However, Speaking of zenzai in Okinawa, it is "cold sweets". The beans are sometimes boiled with brown sugar to add flat barley or shiratama called pressed barley. And the biggest feature is that shaved ice is placed on top of it. When eating, use a spoon to break the fluffy ice with a spoon and carry it to your mouth with juice and beans.
As soon as you put it on your tongue, the sweetness and coolness will spread all over your mouth, and you will feel like it permeate your whole body. If your body is hot due to the heat, or if you sweat and your throat is crisp, the taste is a little bit. It is more suitable for "happiness" rather than "delicious".
This Okinawa Zenzai can be eaten in traditional cafeterias, but on the other hand, it is also evolving. For example, there is a shop that makes shaved ice put on top with broth. Therefore, the juice does not dilute even if it melts, and the ice itself can be delicious. 

In addition, there is also takeout, and if you specify the eating time, for example, "15 minutes later", "30 minutes later", "1 hour later", etc., the ice melts moderately at that time. Therefore, it can be used as a small souvenir, and even home delivery. The fact that delicious zenzai can be eaten at home or at work is a revolutionary in a sense, and it is a great pleasure and delightful for Okinawans. 


Recently, there has been a wide variety of variations from simple ones to arrangement, and it is also available at zenzai specialty stores and cafeterias.
While evolving while preserving tradition, Zenzai will continue to be loved for a long time as Okinawan citizens' "Soul Sweets" for Okinawans. 

Please look for the zenzai that you are interested in.


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